In this post, the first of a series of 3, we are essentially going to create the whole ECS Fargate setup from ground up using the aws cli only. There are a lot of tutorials out there that explain how to install and configure the aws cli, either version 1 or version 2. So I […]
How to do a mutual ssl authentication at reverse proxy level
Dynamic SOAP Header Injection With Spring Integration
When I discussed dynamic API endpoint resolution in my previous post, I mentioned that some services might require security headers. This makes creating a generic service a tad bit more complicated but there are ways around it. In this post I’ll talk about how to add a Web Service Security (WSSE) header, a custom (vendor […]
Creating CXF SOAP Web Services with WSSE in a Spring Boot Microservice
plumbing family CRUD Operations to view pages
setting up spring MVC 3.2 with controllers and actions
Hello , This is the part4 of my series on Maven, Spring and hibernate put together. Finally we will be seeing all effort invested in this tutorial. We will proceed as followed: creating folder structure preparing web.xml for servlets and listeners creating mvc spring application context preparing production property file configuring production database application context […]
setting up domain models with hibernate
Hello, This is the part 2 of the series about working with maven, spring, and hibernate together. We will use mysql, hibenate,jpa, spring-data-jpa in netbeans. Before we start, i will like us to be on the same page so , we will create a database for our project, its user and credentials. Let’s connect to […]
Setting up project in Netbeans
Hello This is the part 2 of the series about working with maven, spring, and hibernate together. In this post we will be using Linux Mint Nadia, a cousin of Ubuntu 12.10 and Netbeans. Creating the project Click: File > New Project Categories: Maven > Project: Web Application Click Next Project Name: springDataMVCFamily GroupId: net.djomeda.tutorials […]
Setting up environment for java application development
Hello, This is the first part1 of my series on Maven, Spring and hibernate put together. I hope you it will be appreciated that I started from this point. Let’s get started: Install java development toolkit windows machine download and install jdk 7+ in :
1 2 3 |
C:\\java or C:\\Program Files \java |
Linux Ubuntu [bash] $ sudo apt -get install openjdk-7-jdk […]
Maven, Spring 3.2, JPA, Hibernate,twitter boostrap put together
Hello, Most of the time when I google for how to use the mentioned technology together, I usually don’t find any complete one. I then have to compose between 2 or 3 different tutorials in order to have to big picture. That alone is a hustle because the tutorials I compose are from different authors […]