Hello, Most of the time when I google for how to use the mentioned technology together, I usually don’t find any complete one. I then have to compose between 2 or 3 different tutorials in order to have to big picture. That alone is a hustle because the tutorials I compose are from different authors thus use different styles, technology versions and different IDEs. At the end, I happen to use more brain processing power than required and lots of assumptions. In this tutorial i will try my best to show how to use them and produce a usable tutorial not just a hello world application.
I will be using Netbeans 7.3 installed on a Linux Mint Nadia.
To help the reader going progressively, I’ve decided to break down the tutorial in to different, “skippable” and complete parts
- part 1: setting up your environment
- part 2: setting up project in NetBeans
- part 3: setting up domain models with hibernate
- part 4: setting up spring MVC 3.2 with controllers and actions
- part 5: http://plumbing family crud operations to view pages
- part 6: http://plumbing person crud operations to view pages
Great tutorials. Thanks for this Kodjo!!
mmmh this is not free for you eh! I am glad it helped