This is the first part1 of my series on Maven, Spring and hibernate put together. I hope you it will be appreciated that I started from this point. Let’s get started:
Install java development toolkit
windows machine
download and install jdk 7+ in :
1 2 3 |
C:\\java or C:\\Program Files \java |
Linux Ubuntu
$ sudo apt -get install openjdk-7-jdk #this will install l java app
- Download java-package.dmg and double click
install subversion
Windows Machine
- download and install from collab.net or install tortoise subversion install subversion
Linux Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install subversion #or install rabbit svn from repository
install maven
Windows machine
- download binaries from adorable maven site
- unpacked inside C:\\maven
Linux Ubuntu
installing maven in /usr/local/maven it’s strongly advised on Linux
download and install maven under the indicated directory. Check this to get it done properly
install apache tomcat
Windows machine
For the purpose of a development machine we suggest, installating in C:\\java folder
download and unzip tomcat under the mentioned directory.
Linux Ubuntu
We also suggest to download the binaries files and unzip it under /home/yourname/tomcat or under /opt/tomcat making sure you have full privilege on the folder
download binaries and unzip under /Users/yourname/tomcat
Install mysql server
Linux Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
Find all necessary information on netbeans
Find all necessary information on mysql
set environment variables
setting java_home environment
Windows machine
- go to desktop
- right click “my computer ” icon
- click on advanced tab
- click on environment variable button
- under system variable click on new button
- in variable name textbox write JAVA_HOME
- in variable value textbox write path-to-your-java-folder (eg C:\\Program Flies\Java\Jdk-version-number)
Linux Ubuntu
sudo nano /etc/environment
#append to the file:
JAVA_HOME="/path/to/your/java" #eg: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64
crtl+x to save
On Mac java home is usually under /Libraby/Java/Home, but there is a tool to find out , run in a terminal /usr/libexec/java_home to see the location of java home
pico ~/.bash_profile or touch ~/.bash_profile
#append the following to the file
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
ctrl+x to save
setting of maven home
Windows machine
- go to desktop
- right click “my computer ” icon
- click on advanced tab
- click on environment variable button
- under system variable click on new button
- in variable name textbox write M2_HOME
- in variable value textbox write path-to-your-maven-folder (eg C:\\Maven)
Linux Ubuntu
sudo nano /etc/environment
#append to the file: M2_HOME="/path/to/your/maven" eg: /usr/local/maven
crtl+x to save
pico ~/.bash_profile or touch ~/.bash_profile
export M2_HOME=/path/to/your/maven
ctrl+x to save
setting of catalina home
- go to desktop
- right click “my computer ” icon
- click on advanced tab
- click on environment variable button
- under system variable click on new button
- in variable name textbox write CATALINA_HOME
- in variable value textbox write path-to-your-tomcat-folder (eg C:\\Tomcat)
Linux Ubuntu
sudo nano /etc/environment
#append to the file:
CATALINA_HOME="/path/to/your/tomcat" eg: /usr/local/tomcat. or /home/yourprofilenam/tomcat or /opt/tomcat
crtl+x to save
in variable value textbox write path-to-your-tomcat-folder (eg C:\\Tomcat)
pico ~/.bash_profile or touch ~/.bash_profile
#append to the file the following
export CATALINA_HOME=/path/to/your/tomcat
ctrl+x to save
Attention Required
When running some of dreamoval web appliations , some might cause tomcat to run out of memory. That is because tomcat is running with default max imum memory size. A quick fix to that is to set some parameter to tomcat because it starts. That is done by putting a setenv.sh or setenv.bat file under the bin folder. These are just default “increased” value, thus it can be adjusted based on need
Windows machine
- change directory to Drive:\\path\to\your\tomcat\bin
- create setenv.bat file
- put in: set CATALINA_OPTS= -server -Xms512m -Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
save and close the file
Linux and Mac machine
cd /path/to/your/tomcat/bin
nano setenv.sh
#append the following to it
export CATALINA_OPTS="-server -Xms512m -Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled"
save and close the file
That’s it you are ready to go. Next we will talk about setting up your project